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Monday 15 July 2013

Only Lesbians hate getting "street compliments"?

So, how do women really feel about unwanted sexual attention?

Many many accounts here, see if any match up to your own.

"I’ve been reading through all of the submissions all night and I suddenly remembered something that happened to me last spring that still makes me nauseous with fear.
It was an early morning, around 6.30, and I was going to work. To get there I have to take the train. Because it was so early, and because a train had just left in the opposite direction of where I was going, - the direction most people traveled, I was pretty much the only person on the platform. I was standing there with my headphones in my ears, listening to music and reading a newspaper when I felt something brush up against my back. I turned around and there was a guy there literally right up against me with his head over my shoulder, reading my newspaper. As I looked at him he took the opportunity to ask me what time the next train would be leaving, which he obviously knew as there was an enormous board right in front of us which was counting down the minutes until the next train, but I answered anyway because I wanted to be polite. I then put my headphones back in and went to stand next to another woman who had just got there for a few minutes until my train arrived.
As I got on the train I noticed that the guy quickly followed me, even though it was not the train he was going to take, and sat down next to me. I buried my head in my paper and turned away from him as much as I could, ignoring all his attempts at starting a conversation. This worked fine until the next stop where the woman next to us got off and we were left alone. That’s when the terrifying things started happening.
At first he put his hand on my thigh and started running it up and down. I shifted in my seat and moved away as much as I could. At this point I was pretty much pressed up against the window. He then proceeded to put his arms around my shoulder and started to whisper in my ear. He told me that I was the prettiest girl he had ever seen and that he wanted to be my boyfriend. He told me that he wanted to be alone with me at his apartment. I was paralyzed with fear at this point and was too scared of what he would do if I told him to stop and leave me alone, so I sat there quietly on the verge of tears. He then started kissing my neck and my cheek.
By then the train arrived at the station I was getting off at so I got up to leave. He put his legs up to stop me from getting past him. I tried to push them down when he grabbed my hair and stated pulling my head towards his as if to kiss me on the mouth. I tried to get away with all my strength and luckily a group of guys saw what was happening and quickly approached. The guy got distracted for a moment and I was able to pull myself from his grip, push him away and run off the train. I am so thankful to those guys who showed up at that moment, they might have saved me for something even worse. I still get nauseous and paralyzed with fear whenever I see someone who resembles the guy and the thought of him still being out there, possibly doing this to other women and young girls makes me want to go out and find him and make sure that he never does something like that again "

Sounds like Post Traumatic Stress disorder to me :(

Tuesday 6 November 2012


My head is itching like crazy, I think it's something to do with lithium, which I have now been on for some months. It's also flaking and scaly.
I looked this up on the internet and apparently it is called lithium psoriasis. Trip to the Dr's (again) for me I think.

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Mood swingitus

The past few weeks have been pretty rough for me, sorry I haven't posted.
Have had some family issues and have been in the "manic" phase of my bipolar.

My mind races, I stop eating, I don't sleep for days. Eventually I collapse. But probably thanks to the lithium it has calmed down much more quickly than it normally does. Smoking pot gives me an appetite even if I am manic, and that is a good thing because without it I end up much more physically ill, drained and feeling sick.

I'm gonna bugger off, and smoke my 50th fag of the day. A bad habit which afflicts bipolar people much more than unipolar or normal people.

Friday 6 July 2012

Playing Nursie

My Father has just had his stitches out, he had an operation on his hand a few weeks ago, and I've been busy playing nurse, cleaning it and changing his dressing.
He didn't complain at all while the nurse was digging a stitch out of his hand, I would have been whinging bitterly!
It has given me a chance to practice dressing a hand, I've not had much practice with that!

Thursday 21 June 2012

Modest swimsuit....

High fashion for the modest among us!

I just love, love LOVE this neat redesign, made from swimsuits. It's good enough to wear out, let alone the pool! I love modest designs, being less than comfortable with my figure, but this is just perfect!

Are elderly people worthless?

So, my Great-Grandmother (who is 99, 100 in august, happy birthday nan!) got a call from her doctors surgery. She just had some bloodwork done so her and her daughter (my nan, 77, her carer) went to the doctors thinking it was something to do with that.

It wasn't. In fact the Dr called her in to ask her if she would like to be resuscitated "if" something happened.

My Great-grandmother is far from tired of life, she said, "yes, of course I would want resus".

The doctor went on to tell her the surgery has been asked to get this information, and to illiustrate the "pitfalls" of resus. Yeah, like not being dead......

She again explained she wanted resus, and the doctor then proceeded to blank her, talking instead to my grandmother, asking her to "talk" to my g-nan about it when they got home.

I am horrified. Are our elderly people in the U.K now defined by how much it costs to keep them alive?

Hate the Sin, but Love the Sinner

Some of my family are what I would not hesitate to call "Fundamentalist Christians".

They don't like my lifestyle, they don't agree with it.

By "lifestyle" I mean that  am bisexual. Now, for me, that's not a "lifestyle"choice. I have no more control over who I fall in love with, than a straight person. But to one particular member of my family it is a "choice" and if I would not "surrender myself to Jesus" so he could "cleanse me of my sin" this family member does not want me around their children.

I am deeply wounded by this. Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner? I'm feeling pretty hated right now.

In addition, I used to be a Christian, of strong faith. I loved the bible, I love singing hymns. I did truly love Jesus. None of this "cleansed me" of my same sex attraction. And truly, I offered it up to the Lord.

I was not "cleansed".

I don't believe that I can be. I've come further in my journey of discovery since then, since I believed that my same sex attraction automatically meant I was a raving lesbian (not that there is anything wrong with that, I love lesbians ;) ) and realised I was still attracted to men. See, I didn't even realise there was this third option (bisexuality).

The crux of what really upsets me about this situation is that this family member has this odd double-think going on, they can somehow tell me they love me, but at the same time genuinely believe that my sexual orientation makes me a paedophile, not fit to be around children. I don't know what that says about their opinion of my parenting, but surely it can't be anything good.

My current partner is male( barely) and you would think this would satisfy them, but no, because we are unmarried we are sinning.

Maybe it just doesn't matter and I'm being crazy?